Manuscript Submission

Submission Method
Submit full manuscript via any of the following methods,
Paper Template

click here to download Springer Paper Template (MsWord)

click here to download Springer Paper Template (LaTex)
check-img General Paper Guidelines
  1. The manuscript must be original and have not been previously submitted to or published anywhere (An IThenticate check for similarity index will be applied)
  2. The article should be written and presented in English (Preferably British English) only.
  3. The manuscript MUST follow the default paper template
  4. References MUST be included in APA/Chicago style.
  5. The minimum and maximum number of pages for the paper is 10-12 pages long including the references.
check-img Paper Submission
  1. Paper submissions should be done Electronically.
  2. The manuscript must be in Word format (.doc or.docx file extension) or LaTex format.
  3. The submitted manuscript should include the name of all the author(s), affiliations, and contact Email IDs.
  4. References should be recent and it should be relevant to the proposed research work. Self-cited references are allowed only in special cases (Maximum of two).
  5. Add the information regarding funding sources in acknowledgment section.
  6. Double check whether the paper is in the prescribed format.
check-img Conference Policies & Ethics
  1. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Reviews are conducted by expert referees, who provide unbiased and constructive comments aimed at improving the work.
  2. The list of authors should accurately reflect who did the work.
  3. ICSMDI only considers work that has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  4. We do not tolerate plagiarism in any of our publications, and we reserve the right to check all suspect submissions through appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions containing suspected plagiarism, in whole or part, will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered post-conference, a retraction policy is implemented,
  5. ICSMDI requests authors to ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
  6. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.
  7. After the registration process is completed, there is no option for cancellation or withdrawal.